Our Pastor


In Christ, we have the hope of all the great things to come.

Our Message is simple – We preach Christ. We desire to share with every person the life He has designed for us to live. We do not use persuasion or philosophy. Instead we believe in God’s wisdom in teaching every person. We want their lives to rest on God’s love and power.  And we do this so every person will be complete in Christ.

Ommar Aguilar

Ommar Aguilar

Ommar has been in ministry for more than three decades serving as Senior Pastor leading congregations in ever deeper walks with God and impacting the communities in which they live. His passion is to see Christ exalted in the lives of men, women and children that experience the fullness of God's love and to see that love overflow into the lives of their families, friends and the world around them.

With his wife Abby, they have set out to establish a new work in the Uhland-San Marcos-Kyle-Buda region of central Texas bringing the message of the gospel to the lost and equipping the body of Christ into full maturity in Christ Jesus.